From the Ranch

From the Ranch

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Warning, This Video of the Young Journalist Missing in the Middle East is too Graphic for Some


Please be cautious about watching this You Tube video.  You must be a strong person to watch.  I am posting this to ask for prayer for this young man, and for his family.  He is from the Houston area, and is  Austin Tice, and he is a a young journalist.  He has been missing for about six weeks, and now this video of him being lead up a hill by 10-12 Syrian freedom fighters has surface and in it he is calling upon God, calling out to Jesus, in great fear for his life.  The video does not show how it ends.  I have been praying for him since around the first of his disappearance, and I offer prayers for him specifically now.  I pray too for all who live in the Middle East and have lived so long with violence, danger, death, and bombs.  As Americans, I know we cannot understand or comprehend what life has been like constantly since their birth.  May God, in His mercy and love help us all.  In the name of the Prince of Peace I offer prayers to heaven for Austin Tice, and his family.

 I have been praying for this young man. He is calling the name of Jesus in this video which appears designed to indicate he is going to his execution.  There is all power in that name. Father God, again I come to you, confident of my favor with You because of Jesus, and what he has done for me. I am filled with compassion for this young man and his family. I see his fear, I see the disregard by his captors of the fact that he is created in Your image by You. As he called out in terror and dread the name of Jesus I thank You that You were in that desert. I thank You hat whatever he faced, whether he lives, or is in Your presence now, You were with him. You heard his cries, You reached out in Your  all powerful love and  compassion at his suffering. Father God, thank You that nothing in this world, not even cruel and deceived men, murderers all, can separate us from the love of God. If Austin Tice lives, make provision for his every need Father God, may he know Your presence, Your care, and Your protection.  Be with Him in the firey furnace of war in the Middle East.  Father God, we offers praise that before we came to You, You knew the needs of Austin, and You answered before we even knew what to pray, and as You watches the sparrows, Your help and comfort are with Austin.

In the Name of Our Lord and Savior,

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