From the Ranch

From the Ranch

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Please, Oh Please, Just Butt Out!!!

I don't know if you are aware or not, but women don't get along as well together as men do.  The same goes with the female creatures on this ranch.  We have a male rabbit, one gelding pony, two male neutered cats, one male pot bellied pig, and a couple of roosters.  Everything else is female.  There is a female donkey, two female miniature horses, three female horses, two female pot bellied pigs, two female dogs, two female ducks, a passel of hens, and one female miniature goat.  Every single female animal on this little ranch is consumed with jealousy!  My attention to each animal is highly sought after, (I do all the feeding, the sweet talking, and the petting here.)  There are all kinds of little actions they use to show just how jealous they are for my attention, but today, I got so mad at one of them...  She just kept butting in...

I was trying to get some video of all the magnificent wild birds that make their home here every winter.  I put chicken scratch out on the old antique buck board wagon, and a little fountain that keeps fresh water bubbling out.  I had put out a feed sack so the bird seed would not fall through the cracks, positioned my camera just right, and turned on the camera to catch a little close up video of the wild birds feeding.  You can hear the cardinals fussing, and me futilely begging for co-operation.  As per usual, Patti, our Australian Cattle Dog, ran through the woods scaring whatever birds that were feeding she off the ground and out of the area.  She is very clever and will watch where I am staring, or pointing my camera, and then take off chasing the object of my attention away.  Then another of the green eyed girls decided she would be the star of my wild bird video, and she hopped up onto my carefully prepared site...


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