From the Ranch

From the Ranch

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Know What They Say About Talking Softly, Carry a Big Stick! Patti Part II

This little dog that I found abandoned can be such a trial. She is an Australian Shepherd, and is so full of energy, so intelligent, and so devoted to me, I am afraid she is going to trip me as I go down the stairs, as she tries to walk so closely to me.  Her name is Patriot, Patti for short. I found her abandoned with two siblings at a local cafe after church one day. She chews up every thing, steals jalapeno peppers from the garden and eats them, chases the kittens, the ducks, the old dog Ginger, Rocket, our little goat, and the miniature horses, (she has learned better on that one, they kick.) She torments the chickens, rabbits, and pigs, even though they are in pens she can't get in. She delights in running up and hitting the chicken wire, and bouncing off, causing what ever is on the other side to squeal, cluck, or dart in terror and panic. (I think the hens are laying fewer eggs because she keeps them so agitated.) When I found the garden dug up, holes dug all over the yard, and I mean all over the yard, she got the blame. Then I saw Patti alerting on something at the edge of the woods. It was an armadillo, and I suddenly knew what was trying to dig into the chicken pen. Armadillos love eggs! I also understood Patti had been falsely accused about the digging in the garden... However, although she is very brave when she chases and herds kittens, not so much so when she has to herd an armadillo. I promised to post two more videos on my blog to tell, "the rest of the story."  We had been unable to gently poke the armadillo with a stick found on the ground and tried poking her little hard shell with, to get her to mosey on along, as I have found where she was trying to dig into my chicken pen, as well as all over the place.  There are about 5-6 inch deep holes everywhere near the garden.  As I said, I had just assumed Patti did it. Armadillos are notorious for this kind of behavior as they love grub worms and such. If Patti will learn to bark at and hassle the armadillo, she will move back into the woods.  So here as I promised, our next effort, a BIG stick.


And so the saga continues... Will Patti prevail?  Will she overcome her fear, and herd Jasmine back to the woods where she came from?  Only the Green Lantern... knows ... wait a minute... that is the rest of another story...

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